Digital Divide Strategy #4: Hotspots for Student Checkout
As education continues to integrate technology and online collaboration and instruction, devices in schools are becoming more ubiquitous. Many school districts around the country have gone to a one to one model in which students are checked out a laptop for the school year. Of course, issuing every student a device can definitely help level the playing field, but that is only half of the equation. A group of researchers from the Cooney Center, funded by the Gates Foundation, reported that "access to the Internet and digital devices is no longer a simple yes/no question. Whether families have consistent quality connections and the capabilities to make the most of being connected is becoming just as important." (
The vast majority of school districts across the nation do not have a plan for home connectivity, but there are some that do. Most notable among these are schools in Detroit, Michigan, Forsyth County, Georgia, Tuscon, Arizona, Miami-Dade County, Florida, and Tuscon, Arizona. These districts are using programs that integrate Kajeet hotspots. These are built for schools and integrate filtering that make them CIPA compliant.
These initiatives are definitely not meant for Parent Teacher Organization Fundraisers and need to be a dedicated budget item. Hotspots start around $150.00 for the device and data plans vary often run between $15.00-$25.00 per month. Of course, the cost of hotspots often depends on the needs of an individual school and/or district. In theory, a school could buy fewer hotspots and have them checked out through the library on a first come, first serve basis. This checkout method is a step in the right direction, but it doesn't provide the access needed on a day to day basis.
Some school districts have also experimented with going to national carriers to purchase hotspots at a government/institutional rate, and of course the prices vary based on company and amount of data purchased.
Here are four guiding questions for those considering a hotspot checkout program to bridge the digital divide:
1. Budget: the biggest expense is not the hotspots themselves but rather the monthly access charges. Doing the math and finding the funding in advance is critical. Keep in mind that some programs require a set time contract.
2. Audience: who is the target audience for the hotspots? What will the criteria be?
3. Duration: how long will these devices be checkout out to students? Days? Weeks? The whole year?
4. Filtering: Some companies provide both monitoring and filtering, while others focus on just a monitoring dashboard. Consulting the IT dept. in the district should be one of the first things that is accomplished. Of course, any access point needs to be CIPA Compliant.
5. Device Monitoring: Someone has to be in charge of the dashboard that monitors the devices. This can be done at the school and/or district level. Evaluating usage periodically and surveying students and families is best practice and can help decision makers in evaluating the effectiveness of the program.